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Here you will find publications written by Fit & Proper's professionals.

Título del documento: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Management in Costa Rica - Update of SUGEF 2-10 regulation
Autor y Fecha: Marcelo Zárate y Natalia Teplitz. November, 2024 Descargar

Presentation of general aspects of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and analysis of the reform of the regulation SUGEF 2-10 that incorporates aspects related to the management of these risks by supervised financial entities.

Document Title: Towards a new banking paradigm in US?
Author and Date: Javier Bolzico and Natalia Teplitz. June, 2023 Download

Description and brief analysis of the three cases of bank failure and resolution in the United States between March and May 2023. Implications and conclusions regarding the bank regulation and supervision scheme and the deposit insurance system; and opportunities to think about a new paradigm in the US financial architecture and banking system.                    

Document Title: Credit moratoria programs in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
Author and Date: Javier Bolzico and Joan Prats. April, 2022 Download

Analysis and conclusions of a study developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) on credit moratoria and loan restructuring programs in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Presentation of general aspects of the credit moratoria programs implemented in the region and analysis of the context prior to its implementation, its key general characteristics, main results, and potential impact. Identification of good practices for the design and implementation of loan moratoria programs.

Document Title: Public guarantee schemes for bank loans in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
Author and Date: Javier Bolzico and Joan Prats. April, 2022 Download

Analysis and conclusions of a study developed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) on public guarantee schemes in times of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Description and comparative analysis of public guarantee schemes in seven countries under study (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay), identification of lessons learned and proposals to improve public guarantee schemes, and presentation of a methodology to estimate the possible fiscal impact of state guarantee funds.

Document Title: Acuerdo SUGEF 24-21: De la ficha CAMELS a la calificación GREAC
Author and Date: Marcelo Zárate and Natalia Teplitz. March, 2022 Download

Description and analysis of the new institutions rating model of the General Superintendency of Financial Entities of Costa Rica (SUGEF), proposed through Acuerdo SUGEF 24-21. Summary of the evolution of the rating methodologies used by SUGEF in recent years, and main weaknesses of the current rating model.                        

Document Title: Basic principles for the development of training programs for banking supervisors
Author and Date: ASBA and Fit & Proper consultants (Marcelo Zárate, Natalia Teplitz and Eleonora Segura). July, 2021 Descargar

Document developed by ASBA and Fit & Proper consultants regarding the basic principles for the design and implementation of training programs for banking supervisors, to serve as a guide and reference for banking supervisory bodies that develop their own training programs for bank supervisors.

Document Title: Governors and Heads of Supervision endorse market risk capital framework
Author and Date: Fit & Proper. February, 2019 Download

Revisions to the market risk framework endorsed by the Basel Committee's oversight body.                                

Document Title: Principles of regulatory compliance function and compliance risk management in financial institutions
Author and Date: Fit & Proper. January, 2019 Download
Overview of the corporate governance principles for banks established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in relation to the regulatory compliance function and compliance risk management.  
Document Title: Compliance function in financial institutions
Author and Date: Fit & Proper. December, 2018 Download
Definition and importance of the compliance function in financial institutions.  
Document Title: Private Financing of Public Infrastructure through PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean - Chapter: Banks and Infrastructure Finance
Author and Date: Javier Bolzico, Robert Sheppard and Natalia Teplitz. 2017 Download

Chapter of Banks and Infrastructure Finance in document “Private Financing of Public Infrastructure through PPPs in Latin America and the Caribbean” developed by the World Bank.                                

Document Title: Argentina obtained the highest score in Basel Committee assessment
Author and Date: Fit & Proper. September, 2016 Download
Evaluation of Argentina Central Bank's (BCRA) implementation of Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) standard.