
Financial institutions management


Financial institutions face an increasingly competitive market and more complex regulations, which pose major challenges to the management of their business.

Fit & Proper advises financial institutions on administrative and management areas, and business areas.

Administrative and management areas include risk management, corporate governance, information systems, capital assessment, accounting and audit standards, relation with supervisors and adoption of Basel standards, among others.

Business areas include business processes, corporate and personal banking, product and distribution channel generation, funding strategies and expansion plans, among others.

This area includes 19 specialties:

  • Corporate governance
  • Risk management (ERM)
  • Models, methodologies and tools to measure and manage risks
  • Stress tests
  • Capital adequacy and process to internally assess capital adequacy (ICAAP)
  • Basel I, II and III
  • Contingency and business continuity plans
  • Institutional strenghtening, strategic plans, businesses and budgets
  • Strenghtment to rectify findings by the supervisor
  • Organization, career plan and human talent policies
  • Formation and training framework
  • Strategies, policies, processes, organziational structure and information systems
  • Business lines / products and services and distribution channels
  • Mergers, acquisitions and valuation of financial institutions
  • Balance scorecard and matrices
  • Information technology
  • Internal control, internal audit and external audit
  • FinTech
  • RegTech

To see the projects developed by Fit & Proper in this area click here.