
Courses and Seminars

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is a great distance between the two.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; in practice, there is a great distance between the two. Therefore, Fit & Proper provides training services with the goal of achieving a harmonious equilibrium between the theoretical and real worlds.
Fit & Proper's experience and permanent commitment to international best practices in its fields of specialization allow it to offer its customers tailored courses that take into account the topics, frequency, and depth that best fit with their needs.
Training is a key element of any consulting project by Fit & Proper. Fit & Proper offers tailor-made training to the teams of our clients so that they acquire knowledge, skills and values that will allow them to implement in their work the new products and methodologies developed. Moreover, during consultancies an intense transference of knowledge towards the team designated to work alongside Fit & Proper's team will occur. Thus, clients can be certain that, with the supplied tools, they will be capable of implementing the developed products without major difficulties.
Moreover, Fit & Proper organizes training courses and workshops on a wide range of specialized topics that combine both theoretical and practical approaches. When applicable, they may contain simulations reproducing the features of the work environment where decisions are actually made.

Fit & Proper offers practical training as well as training under e-learning and webinar modalities throught its virtual campus ( in, among others, the following topics:


  • Risk based supervision
  • Best practices in bank resolution
  • Corporate governance
  • Integral risk management and management of individual risks (credit, liquidity, market, interest rate, operational and others)
  • Tools, methodologies and models for risk measurement and management
  • Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
  • Basel I, II and III and Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision
  • Best practices in lender of last resort
  • Best practices in deposit insurance
  • Crisis management
  • Crisis simulation
  • Bank resolution simulation
  • Financial education and financial inclusion

Fit & Proper gives training to central banks, superintendencies of financial and insurance institutions, ministries of finance, financial and microfinancial institutions, deposit insurance agencies, governments and other institutions participating in the economy and financial sector.