Specialty: Corporate governance. Risk management. Financial consumer protection. Regulatory framework | Date: September 2014 - January 2015 |
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic | Place: Dominican Republic |
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank | |
Description: Support the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic in the review and analysis of the draft regulations on corporate governance, customer protection financial services, liquidity risk, and comprehensive risk management. Observations and recommendations based on international best practices. |
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER | Date: January 2014 - March 2014 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) | Lugar: Panama |
Financing: SBP | |
Description: MUSBER implementation level evaluation and improvement recommendations; roadmap for the improvements implementation. |
Specialty: Marco SICBER | Date: November 2013 - March 2014 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) | Place: Nicaragua |
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation NI-T1112 | |
Description: Design, development and implementation of three financial on-site institutions monitoring process to evaluate the models, methodologies and tools for risk measurement. Counterparty team designated to develop sufficient skills to enable them evaluate the models, methodologies and tools quantification of risks developed by the Nicaraguan financial system. |
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER | Date: January 2013 - March 2014 |
Client: General Superintendency of Financial Entities (SUGEF) | Place: Costa Rica |
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation CR-T1070 | |
Description: Strengthening the prudential supervision pillar, in order to improve and strengthen the process of Integrated Risk Based Supervision (SBR), aligned with international best practices |
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER | Date: January 2013 - August 2013 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) | Place: Nicaragua |
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation NI-T1112 | |
Description: Support for strengthening stability and sustainability of the Nicaraguan financial system, by applying best practices of risk-based supervision and personnel capacity development, to improve banks' identification and risk measurement processes. SIBOIF officials training. |
Specialty: Marco SICBER | Date: September 2012 - December 2012 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) | Place: Panama |
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009 | |
Description: Support and specialized technical assistance to the SBP to strengthen the knowledge and skills of its staff through e-learning training, and definition of a roadmap for the implementation of a program of courses under this modality. |
Specialty: Financial consumer protection | Date: Julio 2012 - December 2012 |
Client: Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), World Bank | Place: |
Financing: CGAP, World Bank | |
Description: Review and comments on a document of best practices on financial consumer protection. |
Specialty: Regulatory framework | Date: August 2012 - April 2013 |
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador | Place: El Salvador |
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD | |
Description: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (BCR) support, in developing a rule to strengthen regulations on liquidity requirements. |
Specialty: FOREX | Date: January |
Client: Superintendency of the Stock Market of Panama | Place: July 2012 - December 2012 |
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009 | |
Description: Regulatory and supervisory frameworks on a consolidated basis, institutional-legal structure, accounting standards, quality of internal and external audit. |
Specialty: Marco SICBER | Date: June 2012 - July 2012 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) | Place: Panama |
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009 | |
Description: Training in the practical application of the risk based supervision manual (MUSBER). SBP trainers training. |
Specialty: Basel III | Date: May 2012 - August 2012 |
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) | Place: Nicaragua |
Financing: International Monetary Fund | |
Description: Roadmap draft elaboration for the implementation of Basel III requirements, considering a priority order and the financial system's reality; support in the proper understanding of Basel III scope and applicability. |