
Financial supervision and regulation

Technical assistance to develop a rule that enables the management and supervision of liquidity risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: December 2011 - June 2012
Client: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Place: Costa Rica
Financing: IMF
Description: Technical assistance for the development of a regulatory and supervisory framework for liquidity risk management in the financial system of Costa Rica.
Preparation of regulatory project for the conversion of non-equity financial entities into equity entities
Specialty: Regulatory framework Date: April 2011 - Augusto 2011
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Central Bank of Dominican Republic
Description: Guidance and practical advice to the Central Bank on conversion of non-equity financial institutions into equity entities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 75 of the Monetary and Financial Law 183-02 of December 3, 2002.
Support to the Superintendency of Banks in the process of consolidation of the risk based supervision scheme, particularly in the risk management and cross-border supervision
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: January 2011 - March 2012
Client: Panama Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Place: Panama
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009
Description: Risk Based Supervision consolidation, particularly with regard to the quality of risk management and cross-border supervision, through the development of the Risk Based Supervision Manual (MUSBER), which contains the methodology that the Superintendency of Banks of Panama apply in the process of banking supervision. MEF officials training.
Development of a regulatory framework to increase the transparency of the financial system, consumer protection and financial culture in Honduras based on international best practices
Specialty: Financial consumer protection Date: September 2010 - February 2011
Client: National Comission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation HO-M1027
Description: Strengthening the regulatory framework for transparency and user protection in financial services. Strengthening the Office of Customer Care and Financial Services User Protection. Design of an education campaign for the financial user. CNBS officials training.
Practical workshop on MUSBER
Specialty: Supervision Framework SICBER Date: February 2010 - March 2010
Client: Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Ecuador (SBS) Place: Ecuador
Financing: SBS
Description: SBS personnel training in the use of the Banking Supervision Manual (MUSBER) and supporting tools.
Support to the CNBS in the review, discussion and analysis of reports produced for the CNBS by the Contracted for Consulting Firm for the consultancy "Adaptación de los Manuales Contables de las Instituciones Supervisadas por la Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera y Revisión del Marco Normativo Relacionado" and the design of a waybill for the Implementation of IFRS based on the diagnosis made by the same firm
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: January 2010 - February 2010
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Revision of the adjustment to IFRS of Accounting Manuals of CNBS - Supervised Institutions and Design of a Roadmap for the implementation of IFRS.
Assessment of compliance with capital adequacy requirement in banks, credit unions and financial firms
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: November 2009 - December 2009
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation HO-T1040
Description: Adequacy analysis of the elements considered as part of banks equity and their deductions as adequate capital relative to its risk profile. Analysis of the results arising from the application of International Financial Reporting Standards in the valuation of shareholdings in financial institutions and financial groups.
Banking Supervision Manual Preparation, focused on Risks and IT Support Tools
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: November 2008 - November 2009
Client: Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Ecuador (SBS) Place: Ecuador
Financing : IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation EC-T1174
Description: Preparation of Banking Supervision Manual (on-site and off-site) focused on risk, Design or Actualization of necessary IT Tools. SBS officials training.
Legal reforms and priority policy in the banking system considering its Internationalization
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: August 2007 - October 2007
Client: Technical Secretariat of the Presidency Place: El Salvador
Financing: Technical Secretariat of the Presidency
Description: Assessment of the bank legal and regulatory framework and development of a reform proposal for a change considering the entrance of leading international banks in the Salvadoran market: legal framework, regulatory framework, memorandum of cooperation, and supervisory processes
Feasibility Study for a Credit Registry in Belize
Specialty: Credit bureau Date: October 2006 - December 2006
Client: Central Bank of Belize Place: Belize
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation TC0305001
Description: Feasibility study for the implementation of a credit registry, development of the required legal framework, and a schedule of activities.
Monetary and financial law amendment draft review
Specialty: Risk Management Date: June 2005
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: IADB
Description: Study and assessment of the Monetary and Financial Law and the Special Risk Prevention Program for Financial Intermediaries Institutional Design of Contingency Fund