
Financial supervision and regulation

Review of the changes within the legal framework: Law of Financial Institutions, Law of the National Commission of Banks and Insurance Law of the Central Bank of Honduras and Deposit Insurance Act on Financial Institutions
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: April 2004
Client: National Comission on Banking and Insurance Place: Honduras
Financing: World Bank
Description: Review of the financial system legal framework. Development of the Financial Institution Law, National Bank and Insurance Commission Law, FOSEDE (Deposit Insurance Fund) Law, and Central Bank of Honduras Law.
Assessment of compliance with Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (Basel)
Speciality: Regulatory Framework Date: October 2002 - November 2002
Client: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Place: Honduras
Financing: IMF
Description: Regulatory framework and consolidated supervision, institutional-legal structure, accounting standards, internal and external audit quality.