
Fit & Proper has a long track record of consulting work in several countries. Below, some projects are disclosed. Projects are classified according to the consulting areas in which Fit & Proper carried out tasks, directly or through it's staff.

Review of the draft regulations on corporate governance, financial customer protection, liquidity risk management and integral risk management
Specialty: Corporate governance. Risk management. Financial consumer protection. Regulatory framework Date: September 2014 - January 2015
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Support the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic in the review and analysis of the draft regulations on corporate governance, customer protection financial services, liquidity risk, and comprehensive risk management. Observations and recommendations based on international best practices.
Monitoring the implementation of the Risk Based Supervision Manual (MUSBER)
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: January 2014 - March 2014
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) Lugar: Panama
Financing: SBP
Description: MUSBER implementation level evaluation and improvement recommendations; roadmap for the improvements implementation.
On-Site Pilot Test on the Evaluation of the Adequacy of Models, Methodologies and Tools for Measuring Risk
Specialty: Marco SICBER Date: November 2013 - March 2014
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) Place: Nicaragua
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation NI-T1112
Description: Design, development and implementation of three financial on-site institutions monitoring process to evaluate the models, methodologies and tools for risk measurement. Counterparty team designated to develop sufficient skills to enable them evaluate the models, methodologies and tools quantification of risks developed by the Nicaraguan financial system.
Integrated Risk Based Supervision Strengthening
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: January 2013 - March 2014
Client: General Superintendency of Financial Entities (SUGEF) Place: Costa Rica
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation CR-T1070
Description: Strengthening the prudential supervision pillar, in order to improve and strengthen the process of Integrated Risk Based Supervision (SBR), aligned with international best practices
Support in the strengthening of Risk Based Supervision (SBR) process
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: January 2013 - August 2013
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) Place: Nicaragua
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation NI-T1112
Description: Support for strengthening stability and sustainability of the Nicaraguan financial system, by applying best practices of risk-based supervision and personnel capacity development, to improve banks' identification and risk measurement processes. SIBOIF officials training.
Training through e-learning modality to SBP officials in risk-based supervision and the risk based supervision manual (MUSBER)
Specialty: Marco SICBER Date: September 2012 - December 2012
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) Place: Panama
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009
Description: Support and specialized technical assistance to the SBP to strengthen the knowledge and skills of its staff through e-learning training, and definition of a roadmap for the implementation of a program of courses under this modality.
Review and comments on a document of best practices on financial consumer protection
Specialty: Financial consumer protection Date: Julio 2012 - December 2012
Client: Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), World Bank Place: 
Financing: CGAP, World Bank
Description: Review and comments on a document of best practices on financial consumer protection.
Review of the structure of liquidity requirements and proposal for improvement
Specialty: Regulatory framework Date: August 2012 - April 2013
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (BCR) support, in developing a rule to strengthen regulations on liquidity requirements.
Development of policy and regulatory framework of the investment activity in the foreign exchange market
Specialty: FOREX Date: January
Client: Superintendency of the Stock Market of Panama Place: July 2012 - December 2012
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009
Description: Regulatory and supervisory frameworks on a consolidated basis, institutional-legal structure, accounting standards, quality of internal and external audit.
Post Pilot Test MUSBER Workshop
Specialty: Marco SICBER Date: June 2012 - July 2012
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP) Place: Panama
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009
Description: Training in the practical application of the risk based supervision manual (MUSBER). SBP trainers training.
Technical Assistance to develop a roadmap of the implementation of Basel III requirements
Specialty: Basel III Date: May 2012 - August 2012
Client: Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions (SIBOIF) Place: Nicaragua
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Roadmap draft elaboration for the implementation of Basel III requirements, considering a priority order and the financial system's reality; support in the proper understanding of Basel III scope and applicability.
Technical assistance to develop a rule that enables the management and supervision of liquidity risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: December 2011 - June 2012
Client: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Place: Costa Rica
Financing: IMF
Description: Technical assistance for the development of a regulatory and supervisory framework for liquidity risk management in the financial system of Costa Rica.
Preparation of regulatory project for the conversion of non-equity financial entities into equity entities
Specialty: Regulatory framework Date: April 2011 - Augusto 2011
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Central Bank of Dominican Republic
Description: Guidance and practical advice to the Central Bank on conversion of non-equity financial institutions into equity entities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 75 of the Monetary and Financial Law 183-02 of December 3, 2002.
Support to the Superintendency of Banks in the process of consolidation of the risk based supervision scheme, particularly in the risk management and cross-border supervision
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: January 2011 - March 2012
Client: Panama Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Place: Panama
Financing: IADB - Loan Technical Cooperation PN-L1009
Description: Risk Based Supervision consolidation, particularly with regard to the quality of risk management and cross-border supervision, through the development of the Risk Based Supervision Manual (MUSBER), which contains the methodology that the Superintendency of Banks of Panama apply in the process of banking supervision. MEF officials training.
Development of a regulatory framework to increase the transparency of the financial system, consumer protection and financial culture in Honduras based on international best practices
Specialty: Financial consumer protection Date: September 2010 - February 2011
Client: National Comission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation HO-M1027
Description: Strengthening the regulatory framework for transparency and user protection in financial services. Strengthening the Office of Customer Care and Financial Services User Protection. Design of an education campaign for the financial user. CNBS officials training.
Practical workshop on MUSBER
Specialty: Supervision Framework SICBER Date: February 2010 - March 2010
Client: Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Ecuador (SBS) Place: Ecuador
Financing: SBS
Description: SBS personnel training in the use of the Banking Supervision Manual (MUSBER) and supporting tools.
Support to the CNBS in the review, discussion and analysis of reports produced for the CNBS by the Contracted for Consulting Firm for the consultancy "Adaptación de los Manuales Contables de las Instituciones Supervisadas por la Comisión Nacional de Bancos y Seguros a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera y Revisión del Marco Normativo Relacionado" and the design of a waybill for the Implementation of IFRS based on the diagnosis made by the same firm
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: January 2010 - February 2010
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Revision of the adjustment to IFRS of Accounting Manuals of CNBS - Supervised Institutions and Design of a Roadmap for the implementation of IFRS.
Assessment of compliance with capital adequacy requirement in banks, credit unions and financial firms
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: November 2009 - December 2009
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation HO-T1040
Description: Adequacy analysis of the elements considered as part of banks equity and their deductions as adequate capital relative to its risk profile. Analysis of the results arising from the application of International Financial Reporting Standards in the valuation of shareholdings in financial institutions and financial groups.
Banking Supervision Manual Preparation, focused on Risks and IT Support Tools
Specialty: Supervision framework SICBER Date: November 2008 - November 2009
Client: Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Ecuador (SBS) Place: Ecuador
Financing : IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation EC-T1174
Description: Preparation of Banking Supervision Manual (on-site and off-site) focused on risk, Design or Actualization of necessary IT Tools. SBS officials training.
Legal reforms and priority policy in the banking system considering its Internationalization
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: August 2007 - October 2007
Client: Technical Secretariat of the Presidency Place: El Salvador
Financing: Technical Secretariat of the Presidency
Description: Assessment of the bank legal and regulatory framework and development of a reform proposal for a change considering the entrance of leading international banks in the Salvadoran market: legal framework, regulatory framework, memorandum of cooperation, and supervisory processes
Feasibility Study for a Credit Registry in Belize
Specialty: Credit bureau Date: October 2006 - December 2006
Client: Central Bank of Belize Place: Belize
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation TC0305001
Description: Feasibility study for the implementation of a credit registry, development of the required legal framework, and a schedule of activities.
Monetary and financial law amendment draft review
Specialty: Risk Management Date: June 2005
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic and Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: IADB
Description: Study and assessment of the Monetary and Financial Law and the Special Risk Prevention Program for Financial Intermediaries Institutional Design of Contingency Fund
Review of the changes within the legal framework: Law of Financial Institutions, Law of the National Commission of Banks and Insurance Law of the Central Bank of Honduras and Deposit Insurance Act on Financial Institutions
Specialty: Regulatory Framework Date: April 2004
Client: National Comission on Banking and Insurance Place: Honduras
Financing: World Bank
Description: Review of the financial system legal framework. Development of the Financial Institution Law, National Bank and Insurance Commission Law, FOSEDE (Deposit Insurance Fund) Law, and Central Bank of Honduras Law.
Assessment of compliance with Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (Basel)
Speciality: Regulatory Framework Date: October 2002 - November 2002
Client: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Place: Honduras
Financing: IMF
Description: Regulatory framework and consolidated supervision, institutional-legal structure, accounting standards, internal and external audit quality.
Workshop "Overview Course of Financial Sector Issues: Promoting Stable and Inclusive Financial Sectors"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2016
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector for professionals in the financial industry and policy makers. Presentation on conceptual aspects of bank resolution and development of a practical case study.
Workshop "Overview Course of Financial Sector Issues: Building Financial Sectors that Support Development"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2015
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector for professionals in the financial industry and policy makers. Presentation on conceptual aspects of bank resolution and development of a practical case study.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Lessons from Recent Crises and Current Priorities for Finance Practitioners and Policy-Makers"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2014
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on lessons learned from the financial crisis and priorities for financial industry professionals and policy makers.
Financial system Analysis
Specialty: Financial system Date: June 2013 - July 2013
Client: Reserve Bank of Malawi Place: Malawi
Financing: World Bank
Description: Analysis of the macroeconomic shock, the role of banking regulation, the transmission channels between the real and the financial sector and recommendations to follow in a crisis context.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Lessons from Recent Crises and Current Priorities for Finance Practitioners and Policy-Makers"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2013
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on lessons learned from the financial crisis and priorities for financial industry professionals and policy makers.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Lessons from Recent Crises and Current Priorities for Finance Practitioners and Policy-Makers
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2012
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on lessons learned from the financial crisis and priorities for financial industry professionals and policy makers.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Specialty: Financial system Date: September 2011 - June 2012
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Mexico
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: In-depth examinations of countries' financial sectors done jointly by World Bank and IMF staff, with focus on the financial safety net.
A Financial Stability Framework and the Macroeconomic Sustainability Analysis
Specialty: Financial system Date: September 2011 - December 2011
Client: Inter-American Development Bank Place: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Development of a methodology to evaluate systemic risk.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: The Financial Sector after the 2007-2008 Crisis"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2011
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on lessons learned from the financial crisis 2007-2008.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Specialty: Financial system Date: February 2011 - March 2011
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Bolivia
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: In-depth examinations of countries' financial sectors done jointly by World Bank and IMF staff, with focus on the problems of the banking sector, payment systems and access to financial services and rural credit.
Seminar "Financial Safety Nets - First Barrier of Entry"
Specialty: Financial system Date: December 2010
Client: Inter-American Development Bank Place: United States
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Strengthening of Risk Based Supervision Processes.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Specialty: Financial system Date: November 2010
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Paraguay
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: In-depth examinations of countries' financial sectors done jointly by World Bank and IMF staff, with focus on bank supervision and regulation.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Specialty: Financial system Date: October 2010
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Peru
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: In-depth examinations of countries' financial sectors done jointly by World Bank and IMF staff, with focus on performance and robustness of the sector, financial system supervision, financial safety net and crisis management, roadmap preparation and financial sector infrastructure.
Seminar XIII Conferences on Financial Supervision
Specialty: Financial system Date: September 2010
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala Place: Guatemala
Financing: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala
Description: Conference on lessons learned from the global financial crisis.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis Conference: The Financial Sector after the 2007-2008 Crisis"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2010
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on lessons learned from the financial crisis 2007-2008.
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)
Specialty: Financial system Date: April 2010 - May 2010
Client: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF
Description: Analysis of the financial sector developed jointly by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, focusing on the robustness of the banking system, the financial system infrastructure, development of capital markets and the pertaining issues to non-bank financial institutions , access to financing and microfinance and public banks.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Bank Resolution and Case Study on Bank Resolution"
Specialty: Financial system Date: May 2009
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on bank resolution.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Bank Resolution and Case Study on Bank Resolution"
Specialty: Financial system Date: April 2008
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on bank resolution.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Bank Resolution and Case Study on Bank Resolution"
Specialty: Financial system Date: October 2006
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on bank resolution.
Workshop "Overview of Financial Sector Issues and Analysis: Bank Restructuring Case Study on Bank Restructuring"
Specialty: Financial system Date: October 2005
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Workshop on general aspects of the financial sector, focusing on bank restructuring.
Credit Evolution Evaluation
Specialty: Financial system Date: April 2005
Client: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Place: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Study of private sector credit growth, analysis of financial instruments, assessment of the macro- and micro-economic impact of credit growth. Policy recommendations.
Credit Evolution Evaluation
Specialty: Financial system Date: December 2004
Client: Bulgarian National Bank Place: Bulgaria
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Study of private sector credit growth, analysis of financial instruments, assessment of the macro- and micro-economic impact of credit growth. Policy recommendations.
Credit Evolution Evaluation
Specialty: Financial system Date: March 2004 - June 2004
Client: National Bank of Romania Place: Romania
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Study of private sector credit growth, analysis of financial instruments, and assessment of the macro- and micro-economic impact of credit growth. Policy recommendations.
Course on New Corporate Governance Regulations
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: June 2017
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical-practical course on conceptual aspects, international standards and best practices in corporate governance, including the development of the new CONASSIF Corporate Governance Regulation contents and the analysis and interpretation of the changes introduced and the possible impact on Costa Rica's financial institutions.
Risk Apetite Statement Support
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: March 2017 - June 2017
Client: Coopealianza Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Coopealianza
Description: Accompaniment to Coopealianza in the elaboration of its Risk Apetite Statement, through the development of a seminar and workshop on Risk Appetite, roadmap development for the preparation of the Risk Apetite Statement, and joint elaboration (between Fit & Proper and Coopealianza) of the Risk Apetite Statement; Support to Coopealianza in the internal diffusion and presentation to the Board of Directors of the Risk Apetite Statement.
INS Risk Appetite Statement Workshop
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: January 2017 - March 2017
Client: Instituo Nacional de Seguros (INS) Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Instituto Nacional de Seguros (INS)
Description: Accompaniment to the INS in the elaboration of its Risk Apetite Statement through the development of a workshop with the information of INS where the Risk Apetite Statement is elaborated for the purpose of elaborating, approving, evaluating or auditing it.
Risk Appetite Statement Workshop
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: November 2016 and May 2017
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical workshop on conceptual issues and best practices in relation to Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) and Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) development, based on the development of a case study, where the steps for a ficional entity's Risk Apetite Statement development are followed.
Course on Risk Appetite
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: August 2016
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical course on conceptual issues and best practices in relation to Risk Appetite Framework (RAF) and Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) development.
Course on Financial Digital Services and Alternative Channels
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: August 2016
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical course on conceptual issues and best practices in relation to digital financial services, alternative channels and innovative financial products and services.
GREN rating strengthening support
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: January 2016 - April 2016
Client: Banco G&T Continental Panama Place: Panama
Financing: Banco G&T Continental Panama
Description: Support for strengthening various components of the GREN rating. Suggestions for improvement, based on the review and evaluation process, indicators and existing structure, also taking into account the observations made by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama.
Organization Structure
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: October 2015 - March 2016
Client: Coopenae R. L. Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Coopenae R. L.
Description: Organization structure redesign. Manual on job positions elaboration, including organization chart and positions descriptions.
Course on Operational Risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: December 2015
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on international standards and best practices in operational risk management and its supervision.
Course on Reputational Risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: October 2015
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical course on international standards and best practices in reputational risk management and its supervision.
Course on Corporate Governance
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: May 2015
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on key issues for the development of good corporate governance in financial institutions, best practices and trends in the field. Main aspects of Basel document "Corporate Governance Principles for Banks" (July 2015)
Course on Risk Based Supervision (RBS)
Specialty: Financial supervision and regulation Date: May 2015
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on key elements of an effective RBS framework, Basel basic principles, international best practices and supervisor's approach.
Risk management diagnosis, improvement suggestions and training
Specialty: Risk management Date: March 2015 - June 2015
Client: Coopenae R. L. Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Coopenae R. L.
Description: Risk management strengthening through diagnosis, improvement proposals and training in banking supervision and risk based regulation.
Course on management of money laundering and financing terrorism risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: October 2014
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on developments, international standards and best practices in terrorist financing and money laundering risk management and monitoring
Course on Legal Risk Management
Specialty: Risk management Date: March 2015
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical course on developments, international standards and best practices regarding legal risk and its supervision.
Basel III Implementation
Specialty: BaselIII Date: April 2012
Client: Banco Supervielle Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco Supervielle
Description: Presentation on conceptual issues regarding Basel III and practical challenges of its implementation, particularly with regard to securitizations.
Design of the training and the career plans of the banking supervisor and revision and updating of the human talent policies of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP)
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: January 2011 - August 2011
Client: Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama Place: Panama
Financing: Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama
Description: Technical and operational support for strengthening the management and administration of human resources, through the development and implementation of the career plan and technical training plan for all SBP areas. SBP officials training.
Operational Risk Assessment in accordance to supervisory authority regulations (Communication "A" 4793) and following Basel II standards
Specialty: Risk management. Basel II Date: July 2008 - December 2008
Client: Banco CMF S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco CMF S.A.
Description: Design of policies and procedures, preparation of Risk Operation Manual, and Risk mapping assessment.
Program for capital growth and strengthening
Specialty: Strategic and business plan Date: January 2008 - May 2008
Client: Banco Finansur S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco Finansur S.A.
Description: Assessment on bond issuance process, regulatory framework, and analysis of the bank situation related to benchmark.
Mapping of Operational Risk according to Basel II standards.
Specialty: Risk management. Basel II Date: August 2007 - October 2007
Client: Banco Comercial Place: Ecuador
Financing: Banco Comercial
Description: Identification and assessment of operational risks. Design of business continuity plan. Bank officials training.
Human Resources politics design and development
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: August 2006 - December 2006
Client: Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba S.A.
Description: Design and development of New Human Resources Policies, including wage policy, filling functional positions, performance assessment and annual training plan.
Bank Resolution and Deposit Insurance Evaluation
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: November 2015
Client: Bank of Mauritius Place: Mauritius
Financing: World Bank
Description: Description, analysis and recommendations on the bank resolution and deposit insurance frameworks.
Bank Resolution Framework and Deposit Insurance assessment
Specialty: Bank Resolution. Deposit insurance Date: October 2015 - December 2015
Client: Bank of Ghana Place: Ghana
Financing: World Bank
Description: Bank resolution schemes and deposit insurance review and assessment.
Evaluation of the safety net, especially with respect to bank resolution and crisis preparedness
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: October 2015 - December 2015
Client: National Bank of Angola Place: Angola
Financing: World Bank
Description: Analysis and evaluation of lender of last resort schemes, bank resolution and deposit insurance, following the strategy for the financial sector development.
Bank Resolution workshop and seminar
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: October 2015
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Workshop on bank resolution with technical areas. Seminar with senior officials of the Central Bank, Superintendent of the Financial System Deposits Guarantee Institute and Ministry of Finance.
Strengthening of the the bank resolution process and crisis management
Specialty: Bank Resolution. Deposit insurance Date: June 2015 - December 2015
Client: World Bank Place: Zimbabwe
Financing: World Bank
Description: Support in strengthening the process of bank resolution and deposit insurance scheme in order to help the strengthening and stability of the financial system.
Study on the process of recapitalization
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: Junio 2015 - July 2015
Client: World Bank Place: Malawi
Financing: World Bank
Description: Study on the process of recapitalization, covering the review of the methodology and approach used, the review of the suggested sale options and general recommendations.
Development of liquidity fund rules and procedures
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: February 2015 - March 2016
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Support in revising the draft for the creation of the financial system Liquidity Fund and development of legislation to regulate its organization and operation.
"Systemic Liquidity and Liquidity Fund" presentation
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: November 2014
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Presentation on systemic liquidity and liquidity fund in a meeting with various stakeholders of the financial system.
Bank Resolution
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: May 2014 - July 2014
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Uruguay
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Aspects to improve of the regulatory framework, the Intervention Manual and the Settlement Procedures Manual.
Implementation of Basel in Chilean Banking Sector and Law Reform
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: April 2014 - September 2014
Client: Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile AG Place: Chile
Financing: Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile AG
Description: Development of the chapter "Hacia el Fortalecimiento de la Resolución Bancaria en Chile. Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones", from the book "Basilea, la Crisis Financiera y la Institucionalidad Regulatoria en Chile".
Technical Assistance Mission
Specialty: Emergency liquidity assistance Date: September 2013
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Kosovo
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Contingency Planning for Crisis Preparedness and Management Mission with particular emphasis on best international practices regarding building an ELA fund.
Implementation of a financial crisis simulation exercise
Specialty: Financial crisis simulation Date: February 2013 - November 2013
Client: Central Bank of Nicaragua Place: Nicaragua
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Implementation of a financial crisis simulation exercise involving all institutions that play a role within the financial safety net, in order to identify its vulnerabilities.
Financial System Workshop
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: January 2013 - March 2013
Client: Deposit Protection Fund Board Place: Kenya
Financing: Deposit Protection Fund Board
Description: Elaboration of Draft Regulations & Guidelines for Kenya Deposit Insurance (KDI) Act 2012. Central Bank officials training on Bank Resolution and interest groups on consultancy products.
Diagnosis of the Financial Safety Net and Proposals for Improvement
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: January 2012 - June 2012
Client: Central Bank of Nicaragua Place: Nicaragua
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Support in the elaboration of a financial safety net diagnosis, improvement proposals and plan of action with concrete measures.
Proposal for the amendment of the Banking Act
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: January 2012 - June 2012
Client: World Bank Place: El Salvador
Financing: World Bank
Description: Proposal for the amendment of the Banking Act. Diagnosis and recommendations for the Bank Resolution Manuals.
International consultancy to strengthen the framework for financial crisis management
Specialty: Financial crisis simulation Date: October 2011 - June 2012
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala Place: Guatemala
Financing: World Bank
Description: Development of a contingency plan including instruments to be used in the event of a crisis, and the communication protocol. Proposed institutional and legal framework for the management of serious situations and financial crises, including the establishment of a Crisis Committee.
Development of the Liquidity Fund of the financial system
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: November 2011 - December 2011
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: Inter-American Development bank
Description: Advice and support on the preparation of the general principles and in the design of the Liquidity Fund. Presentation of a work plan proposal for the development of the decree of the Liquidity Fund.
Design of an Emergency Liquidity Assistance Program (PALEX)
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: September 2011 - June2012
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Panama
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Support in the design and development of the proposal of decree that creates the Emergency Liquidity Assistance Program.
Implementation of the lender of last resort instrument in the central bank of El Salvador
Specialty: Lender of last resort Date: September 2011 - June 2012
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Support in developing the guidelines and technical rules related to the lender of last resort instrument.
Framework for financial crisis management strengthening
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: October 2011
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala Place: Guatemala
Financing: Toronto Centre and World Bank
Description: Presentations: "Central Banking instruments against financial crises" and "Bank Resolution".
Liquidity assistance, banking resolution and contingency plans
Specialty: Liquidity assistance.Bank resolution Date: September 2011
Client: Bank of Albania Place: Albania
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Liquidity assistance, banking resolution and contingency plans
Lender of Last Resort and emergency liquidity assistance in a dollarization context
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Deposit insurance Date: July 2011 - August 2011
Client: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Place: Zimbabwe
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Stress tests update, with a focus on liquidity risks, and strengthening of systemic liquidity and bank resolution frameworks.
Financial Crisis Simulation
Specialty: Financial crisis simulation Date: December 2010 - February 2011
Client: World Bank Place: El Salvador
Financing: World Bank
Description: Financial crisis simulation designed and executed by World Bank consultants and a team of officials from the Central Bank of El Salvador and the Financial Sector Superintendency , with the financial support of FIRST Initiative.
Diagnosis of the financial system of Eastern Caribbean States
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: November 2010 - January 2012
Client: East Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) Place: St. Kitts
Financing: World Bank
Description: Bank Resolution and financial system consolidation.
Strategic guidelines for the liquidity policies, liquidity fund and mechanisms to provide liquidity to banks.
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: November 2010 - April 2011
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: El Salvador
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Diagnosis, proposed strategic guidelines and action plan in relation to the mechanisms of liquidity in the financial system.
Seminar "Brazil Crisis Preparedness Program"
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: October 2010
Client: Central Bank of Brazil Place: Brazil
Financing: Central Bank of Brazil
Description: Bank resolution exercise, crisis simulation and Central Bank's financial crisis instruments analysis.
Design of a quick mechanism for providing liquidity to banks
Specialty: Emergency liquidity assistance Date: August 2010 - April 2011
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Panama Place: Panama
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Diagnosis and proposal guidelines for the financial safety net, focusing on liquidity loans and deposit insurance.
Establishment of the legal framework to regulate the dissolution and liquidation of non-stock financial entities.
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: July 2010 - October 2010
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Development of the proposed regulation for the dissolution and liquidation of the entities of non equity financial intermediation.
Evaluation of the Financial Safety Net. Strengthening the legal and regulatory framework to prepare for financial crisis
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: March 2010 - June 2010
Client: World Bank Place: Colombia
Financing: World Bank
Description: Report on strengthening mechanisms for handling financial crises.
Assessment of Bank Resolution Scheme
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: April 2010 - September 2010
Client: Central Bank of Belize Place: Belize
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Technical Assistance Mission for the preparation of bank resolution strategies for two troubled banks.
Resolution and liquidation processes
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: 2009
Client: Authority of Supervision of the Financial System (ASFI) Place: Bolivia
Financing: Authority of Supervision of the Financial System (ASFI)
Description: Design and development of procedures, regulations and manuals.
Seminar "Banking Resolution Failure"
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: October 2009
Client: Central Bank of Brazil Place: Brazil
Financing: Central Bank of Brazil
Description: Presentation "Session III – Crisis management and exceptional measures".
Crisis Preparedness Program for Central Banks Seminar
Specialty: Financial crisis simulation Date: September 2009
Client: Central Bank of Uruguay Place: Uruguay
Financing: Toronto Centre and World Bank
Description: Implementation of a financial crisis simulation exercise, involving central bankers, supervisors, financial regulators and deposit insurers in order to practice their respective roles in managing a crisis arising from problems of a potentially systemic financial institution.
Strengthening of the Financial System Safety Net
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: September 2009 - December 2009
Client: General Superintendence of Financial Entities Place: Costa Rica
Financing: General Superintendence of Financial Entities
Description: Design and legal proposal for Banking Resolution Process and Deposit Insurance.
Revision of draft laws regarding Banking Resolution and Lender of Last Resort
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution Date: September 2009
Client: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala Place: Guatemala
Financing: Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala
Description: Revision of draft laws regarding Banking Resolution Process, Instruments for systemic events and Lender of Last Resort. Banking Resolution training.
Regional Leadership Programme for Banking Supervision
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: June 2009
Client: Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas Place: El Salvador
Financing: Toronto Centre
Description: Module "Case Study: Rehabilitation of banks. Good bank - bad bank. Application to Northern Rock.
Support for Improving Competitiveness program
Specialty: Liquidity fund. Deposit insurance Date: February 2009 - May 2009
Client: Central Bank of Ecuador Place: Ecuador
Financing: IADB -Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation EC-T1032
Description: Implementation of the Financial System Safety Net regarding Deposit Insurance and Liquidity Fund. Central Bank officials training.
Design of necessary mechanisms for a Bank Resolution process according to international best practice
Specialty: Bank
Date: December 2008 - August 2009
Client: Superintendence of Banking and Insurance of Ecuador (SBS) Place: Ecuador
Financing: IADB - Non-Reimbursable Technical Cooperation EC-T1172
Description: Development of regulations, manuals, procedures and other tools necessary for application of Banking Resolution Mechanisms. SBS officials training.
Analysis of the situation of the financial system in the face of the international financial crisis
Specialty: Emergency liquidity assistance Date: October2008
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: Central Bank of El Salvador
Description: Technical assessment to the financial authorities on the adoption of a systemic liquidity strategy. Analysis of available and potential tools and mechanisms including risk management analysis (risk indicators), financial assistance tools for financial institutions, and mechanism for liquidity redistribution.
Identification of technical and legal mechanisms to facilitate strengthening of the supervisory and deposit insurance agencies
Specialty: Liquidity fund. Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: November 2007 - March 2008
Client: Ministry of Finance and Economy of Ecuador Place: Ecuador
Financing: Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Development and design of the legal framework. Suggesting the most adequate mechanisms to set up a Liquidity Fund, Bank Resolution scheme, and options and proposal for the structuring of a modern Deposit Insurance System
Financial System Safety Net and Bank Resolution
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: May 2006 - June 2006
Client: Central Bank of Uruguay Place: Uruguay
Financing: Central Bank of Uruguay
Description: Design of a methodology to estimate risk-adjusted premiums and development of a process manual to enable fast and efficient reimbursement to depositors.
Assistance in the design of Bank Resolution Scheme and Bank Capitalization Fund
Specialty: Bank resolution. Bank capitalization fund Date: Novemeber 2005 - April 2006
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance Place: Honduras
Financing: National Commission on Banking and Insurance
Description: Design of a bank resolution scheme and the Bank Capitalization Fund, development of regulations, manuals, procedures and contracts. Design and development of a training program.
Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution Scheme
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: May 2005 - June 2005
Client: Central Bank of Uruguay Place: Uruguay
Financing: Central Bank of Uruguay
Description: Review and proposal of key issues to be included in a new regulatory framework for deposit insurance. Design and proposal of a legal framework to implement bank resolution schemes
Credit Institutions Law Analysis
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: 2005
Client: World Bank Place: Mexico
Financing: World Bank
Description: Technical assistance for the analysis and proposal of amendments to the Credit Institutions Law, in particular, regarding the transfer of assets and liabilities in bank resolution processes and the role and functions of the Mexican Institute for the Protection of Bank Savings.
Mission on Procedures for Bank Resolution
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: March 2005 - April 2005
Client: National Bank of Ukraine Place: Ukraine
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Review of the bank resolution scheme implemented by the National Bank of Ukraine and development of proposed amendment of laws, regulations, and operating procedures. Bank's officials training.
Bank Resolution Seminar
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: 2005
Client: World Bank Place: Honduras
Financing: World Bank
Description: Conceptual aspects concerning bank resolution, international experience and simulations.
Seminar on Bank Capitalization Trust Fund
Specialty: Bank capitalization fund Date: 2005
Client: Ministry of Public Finance of Guatemala and Central Bank of Guatemala Place: Guatemala
Financing: Ministry of Public Finance of Guatemala and Central Bank of Guatemala
Description: Design, operation, legal framework, international experiences.
Bank Resolution Workshop
Specialty: Bank resolution Date: November 2004 - December 2004
Client: World Bank Place: United States
Financing: World Bank
Description: Bank Resolution Seminar: Conceptual aspects concerning bank resolution, international experience and simulations
Study of the legal structure and operation of the financial system regulatory framework
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: May 2004 - September 2004
Client: World Bank Place: Paraguay
Financing: World Bank
Description: Study of the legal structure and operation of the financial system regulatory framework. Design and development of the bank resolution scheme. Design and development of the Deposit Insurance Fund. Study of tax aspects and financial instruments used in bank resolution. Training.
Development of manuals and processes for a Bank Resolution Scheme
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: July 2003 - February 2004
Client: World Bank Place: Guatemala
Financing: World Bank
Description: Development of manuals and processes for a Bank Resolution Scheme. Participation in the Fund for the Protection of Savings. Creation of the Bank Capitalization Trust Fund. Design, regulation, and implementation. Design and development of a training program.
Diagnosis and proposal regarding the lender of last resort role, analysis of an insolvent bank's financial position, and exit mechanism for problem banks
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution Date: February 2003 - March 2003
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Design and development of manuals, standard operating procedures and contracts.
Design and development of manuals, operating procedures, and standard contracts
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: September 2002 - November 2002
Client: World Bank Place: Bolivia
Financing: World Bank
Description: Design and development of manuals, operating procedures, and standard contracts. Training.
Design and implementation of the Bank Capitalization Fund and the Corporate Financial Strengthening Fund
Specialty: Bank capitalization fund Fecha: 2002
Client: World Bank Place: Bolivia
Financing: World Bank
Description: Advice on the design and operation of bank capitalization fund and equity fund and financial strengthening of companies.
Structure and operation of the Bank Capitalization Fund
Specialty: Bank capitalization fund Date: 2000 - 2001
Client: World Bank Place: Ecuador
Financing: World Bank
Description: Structure and operation of the Bank Capitalization Fund. Design and development of organizational structure, manuals, and operating procedures.
Budget tool
Specialty: Financial consumer protection Date: October 2015
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras Place: Costa Rica
Description: Financial planning tool that lets you keep a monthly record of income and expenses, set financial goals and contrast the results in a graphical panel. Download link:
Diagnosis of financial consumer protection in the banking sector
Specialty: Financial consumer protection Date: September 2011 - June 2012
Client: World Bank Place: Nicaragua
Financing: World Bank
Description: Diagnosis of financial consumer protection in the banking sector. Recommendations, workshop and action plan.
Competitive Strengthening and Financial Safety Net of the Federation of Savings and Credit in a supervised framework
Specialty: Liquidity fund. Deposit insurance Date: August 2011 - April 2012
Client: Federation of Savings and Credit (FACACH) Place: Honduras
Financing: FACACH
Description: Design, structuring, implementation and monitoring of liquidity fund and deposit insurance for the savings and credit co-operatives in Honduras. FACACH officials training.
Strengthening of banking regulation and supervision to improve access to financial services in America Project
Specialty: Supervision and regulation Date: March 2011 - June 2012
Client: Association of Supervisors of Banks of the Americas Place: Mexico
Financing: BID - Non-Reimbursable Funding RG-M1146
Description: Classification by type of supplier of products and/or selected financial services for financial inclusion and assessment of their ability to be regulated and supervised effective and transparently. Development of a minimum regulatory framework for regulation and supervision of products and services identified for implementation in the market.
Assessment and identification of relevant funding alternatives for microfinance available in the local market
Specialty: Funding Sources Date: November 2007 - December 2007
Client: FIE Gran Poder S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: BID - Non-Reimbursable Funding TC0305019
Description: Assessment and identification of relevant funding alternatives for microfinance available in the local market. Analysis of legal, operative, and tax issues, and financial and administrative costs.
Design, Training and Implementation of Administrative and Financial Risk Management Tools
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: June 2007 - December 2007
Client: Federation of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (FACACH) Place: Honduras
Financing: BID - Non-Reimbursable Funding TC0206015
Description: Design, development, training and implementation of an information system to disclose, on the basis of information provided by credit unions to FACACH, indicators and other data of interest to the unions and to the general public, to be published in the Federation's web site.
Design, Training and Implementation of Administrative and Financial Risk Management Tools
Specialty: Institutional strengthening. Models and methodologies to measure and manage risks Date: April 2006 - September 2007
Client: Federation of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (FACACH) Place: Honduras
Financing: BID - Non-Reimbursable Funding TC0206015
Description: Development of financial regulations, organizational and operating manuals, process manuals (main processes: credit, savings, contributions, investment, UNIRED, cashiers, accounting system, procurement, accounting and payments, human resources, and property, plant and equipment), financial product catalogue, financial risk system, scoring system, and financial statement forecasting system. Training in 50 co-operatives and implementation in 25 co-operatives in 5 regions of the country.
Banking system foreign exchange positions limits review
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: March 2015 - August 2015
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: FMI-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Support to the authorities of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic in the revision of the limits for the banking system foreign exchange positions limits. Evaluation of the exchange position limits contained in the Foreign Exchange Regulation and regulatory adjustment proposal.
Crisis Preparedness Program
Specialty: Financial stability Date: October 2011
Client: Superintendence of Banks of Guatemala Lugar: Guatemala
Financing: Toronto Centre and World Bank
Description: Presentations: "Instrumentos de Banca Central frente a crisis financieras" and "Resolución Bancaria"
Securities operations regulation development
Specialty: Open market operations Date: April 2011 - June 2011
Client: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
Description: Preparation of regulations on repo transactions between financial intermediaries
"Bank Resolution" Consultancy
Specialty: Institutional strengthening and strategic planning Date: November 2008 - December 2008
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: CNBS
Description: Analysis and modification of actual regulations for operations, internal rules, organizational structure, scope of supervision, corporate governance, manuals, policies and information systems.
Financial architecture and institutional strengthening of Central Bank of Ecuador
Specialty: Institutional strengthening and strategic planning Date: April 2008 - June 2008
Client: Central Bank of Ecuador Place: Ecuador
Financing: Central Bank of Ecuador
Description: Preparation of legal and constitutional reform projects, analysis of organizational structure and strategic planning.