
Ricardo Tappatá

Associate Professionals

Master in Economics from Center of Macroeconomic Studies of Argentina (CEMA) and Economist from National University of the South (Argentina). He has vast experience on the strengthening of Financial Safety Nets, Liquidity Funds, Bank Resolution, Deposit Insurance, Supervision Manuals, Bank and Financial Legislation and Regulations. He is currently Head of the School of Business Administration at the Atlantic Headquarters of the National University of Río Negro (Argentina). He has also participated in consulting projects developed by the Inter-American Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Previously, he was, among others, Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina, Consultant for the Superintendence of Financial and Foreign Exchange Entities of Argentina and Chief Researcher at IERAL. He has held teaching positions at the National University of Río Negro, National University of the South, Univerisity of Comahue and University of Belgrano, and is the author of several economic research works and numerous articles published in specialized magazines and newspapers.

Since 2004 he is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.