Master in International Affairs, major in Economic Policy Management from Columbia University (USA) and Economist and Lawyer from Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. He is an expert in banking supervision and regulation with experience in consolidated supervision. At present, he is President of the Deposit Insurance Fund of Peru and member of the Banking Supervision Advisory Board of the Toronto Centre (Global Leadership in Financial Supervision). Previously, he worked at the Superintendence of Banks, Insurance and Private Pension Funds of Peru as Deputy Superintendent of Risks, Deputy Superintendent of International Affairs and Training, and Chief of the Market and Liquidity Risk Department and the Financial Analysis Department. Also he worked at the Financial Stability Institute of the Bank of International Settlements as Senior Financial Sector Specialist. Additionally, he has experience in providing technical assistance to banking supervisors of Latin America, particularly to the banking supervisors of Bolivia, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and Uruguay. He has been lecturer at courses and seminars on financial regulation and supervision in American, Asian and European countries.
Since 2009 he is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.