
Fernando La Pira

Associate Professionals 

Master in Finance from CEMA University (Argentina) and Public Accountant from University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). He has over 20 years of experience in financial markets, working in positions of responsibility in Risk Management & Compliance, Investment Management and Corporate Banking at major banks and asset management companies. At present he is Risk Manager at Banco Finansur. He is responsible for credit risk management and implementation of structures and policies for integral risk management in compliance with the regulations of the Central Bank of Argentina. He is also a Member of the Credit, Assets and Liabilities, and Operational Risk Committees at the bank. Previously, he was Chief of the Risk Management Department at ABN AMRO, Research and Risk Manager at Siembra AFJP (member of Cirigroup), President and Risk Manager & Compliance Officer of Citicorp Inversora, among others. Additionally, he has been consultant in the project of consolidated supervision of financial groups in Nicaragua and Dominican Republic for the International Monetary Fund.

Since 2006 he is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.