Master of Business Administration from EOI Business School (Spain), Specialist in Finance and Risk from ESAN University (Peru) and Business Engineer from Equinox University of Technology (Ecuador). He has over 15 year experience in the banking industry being a specialist in risk management, banking supervision, corporate governance, process management and business continuity plans. At present, he is President of Andes Consultoría Empresarial Cïa. Ltda., company that provides advisory on issues related to risk management. Previously, he was Risk Policy Manager at Banco Internacional of Ecuador. Additionally, he has vast experience in the supervision of financial institutions: for 10 years he worked at the Superintendence of Banks and Insurance of Ecuador, where, among others, he was National Director of Financial Institutions. He has also been an instructor in workshops and seminars on banking supervision, audit, risk management and business continuity plans.
Since 2013 he is an associate professional of Fit & Proper.