
Financial institutions management

Course on Risk Based Supervision (RBS)
Specialty: Financial supervision and regulation Date: May 2015
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on key elements of an effective RBS framework, Basel basic principles, international best practices and supervisor's approach.
Risk management diagnosis, improvement suggestions and training
Specialty: Risk management Date: March 2015 - June 2015
Client: Coopenae R. L. Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Coopenae R. L.
Description: Risk management strengthening through diagnosis, improvement proposals and training in banking supervision and risk based regulation.
Course on management of money laundering and financing terrorism risk
Specialty: Risk management Date: October 2014
Client: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Asociación Bancaria Costarricense
Description: Theoretical and practical course on developments, international standards and best practices in terrorist financing and money laundering risk management and monitoring
Course on Legal Risk Management
Specialty: Risk management Date: March 2015
Client: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica Place: Costa Rica
Financing: Cámara de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Costa Rica
Description: Theoretical and practical course on developments, international standards and best practices regarding legal risk and its supervision.
Basel III Implementation
Specialty: BaselIII Date: April 2012
Client: Banco Supervielle Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco Supervielle
Description: Presentation on conceptual issues regarding Basel III and practical challenges of its implementation, particularly with regard to securitizations.
Design of the training and the career plans of the banking supervisor and revision and updating of the human talent policies of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP)
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: January 2011 - August 2011
Client: Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama Place: Panama
Financing: Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama
Description: Technical and operational support for strengthening the management and administration of human resources, through the development and implementation of the career plan and technical training plan for all SBP areas. SBP officials training.
Operational Risk Assessment in accordance to supervisory authority regulations (Communication "A" 4793) and following Basel II standards
Specialty: Risk management. Basel II Date: July 2008 - December 2008
Client: Banco CMF S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco CMF S.A.
Description: Design of policies and procedures, preparation of Risk Operation Manual, and Risk mapping assessment.
Program for capital growth and strengthening
Specialty: Strategic and business plan Date: January 2008 - May 2008
Client: Banco Finansur S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco Finansur S.A.
Description: Assessment on bond issuance process, regulatory framework, and analysis of the bank situation related to benchmark.
Mapping of Operational Risk according to Basel II standards.
Specialty: Risk management. Basel II Date: August 2007 - October 2007
Client: Banco Comercial Place: Ecuador
Financing: Banco Comercial
Description: Identification and assessment of operational risks. Design of business continuity plan. Bank officials training.
Human Resources politics design and development
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: August 2006 - December 2006
Client: Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba S.A. Place: Argentina
Financing: Banco de la Provincia de Córdoba S.A.
Description: Design and development of New Human Resources Policies, including wage policy, filling functional positions, performance assessment and annual training plan.