
Financial safety net

Bank Resolution and Deposit Insurance Evaluation
Specialty: Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: November 2015
Client: Bank of Mauritius Place: Mauritius
Financing: World Bank
Description: Description, analysis and recommendations on the bank resolution and deposit insurance frameworks.
Bank Resolution Framework and Deposit Insurance assessment
Specialty: Bank Resolution. Deposit insurance Date: October 2015 - December 2015
Client: Bank of Ghana Place: Ghana
Financing: World Bank
Description: Bank resolution schemes and deposit insurance review and assessment.
Evaluation of the safety net, especially with respect to bank resolution and crisis preparedness
Specialty: Lender of last resort. Bank resolution. Deposit insurance Date: October 2015 - December 2015
Client: National Bank of Angola Place: Angola
Financing: World Bank
Description: Analysis and evaluation of lender of last resort schemes, bank resolution and deposit insurance, following the strategy for the financial sector development.
Bank Resolution workshop and seminar
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: October 2015
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Workshop on bank resolution with technical areas. Seminar with senior officials of the Central Bank, Superintendent of the Financial System Deposits Guarantee Institute and Ministry of Finance.
Strengthening of the the bank resolution process and crisis management
Specialty: Bank Resolution. Deposit insurance Date: June 2015 - December 2015
Client: World Bank Place: Zimbabwe
Financing: World Bank
Description: Support in strengthening the process of bank resolution and deposit insurance scheme in order to help the strengthening and stability of the financial system.
Study on the process of recapitalization
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: Junio 2015 - July 2015
Client: World Bank Place: Malawi
Financing: World Bank
Description: Study on the process of recapitalization, covering the review of the methodology and approach used, the review of the suggested sale options and general recommendations.
Development of liquidity fund rules and procedures
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: February 2015 - March 2016
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Support in revising the draft for the creation of the financial system Liquidity Fund and development of legislation to regulate its organization and operation.
"Systemic Liquidity and Liquidity Fund" presentation
Specialty: Liquidity fund Date: November 2014
Client: Central Bank of El Salvador Place: El Salvador
Financing: IMF-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Presentation on systemic liquidity and liquidity fund in a meeting with various stakeholders of the financial system.
Bank Resolution
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: May 2014 - July 2014
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Uruguay
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Aspects to improve of the regulatory framework, the Intervention Manual and the Settlement Procedures Manual.
Implementation of Basel in Chilean Banking Sector and Law Reform
Specialty: Bank Resolution Date: April 2014 - September 2014
Client: Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile AG Place: Chile
Financing: Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Chile AG
Description: Development of the chapter "Hacia el Fortalecimiento de la Resolución Bancaria en Chile. Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones", from the book "Basilea, la Crisis Financiera y la Institucionalidad Regulatoria en Chile".
Technical Assistance Mission
Specialty: Emergency liquidity assistance Date: September 2013
Client: International Monetary Fund Place: Kosovo
Financing: International Monetary Fund
Description: Contingency Planning for Crisis Preparedness and Management Mission with particular emphasis on best international practices regarding building an ELA fund.