
Central bank management

Banking system foreign exchange positions limits review
Specialty: Institutional strengthening Date: March 2015 - August 2015
Client: Central Bank of Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: FMI-CAPTAC-RD
Description: Support to the authorities of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic in the revision of the limits for the banking system foreign exchange positions limits. Evaluation of the exchange position limits contained in the Foreign Exchange Regulation and regulatory adjustment proposal.
Crisis Preparedness Program
Specialty: Financial stability Date: October 2011
Client: Superintendence of Banks of Guatemala Lugar: Guatemala
Financing: Toronto Centre and World Bank
Description: Presentations: "Instrumentos de Banca Central frente a crisis financieras" and "Resolución Bancaria"
Securities operations regulation development
Specialty: Open market operations Date: April 2011 - June 2011
Client: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic Place: Dominican Republic
Financing: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
Description: Preparation of regulations on repo transactions between financial intermediaries
"Bank Resolution" Consultancy
Specialty: Institutional strengthening and strategic planning Date: November 2008 - December 2008
Client: National Commission on Banking and Insurance (CNBS) Place: Honduras
Financing: CNBS
Description: Analysis and modification of actual regulations for operations, internal rules, organizational structure, scope of supervision, corporate governance, manuals, policies and information systems.
Financial architecture and institutional strengthening of Central Bank of Ecuador
Specialty: Institutional strengthening and strategic planning Date: April 2008 - June 2008
Client: Central Bank of Ecuador Place: Ecuador
Financing: Central Bank of Ecuador
Description: Preparation of legal and constitutional reform projects, analysis of organizational structure and strategic planning.